Friday, February 25, 2011

we will sink and be quiet as mice

Been neglecting the blog yet again due to school, but here's a post I managed to squeeze in during this break week.

Radiohead - Lotus Flower
Geniuses at work. It's been a while since Radiohead's last opus "In Rainbows" in 2007, and now they've finally released another album, "The King of Limbs", which clocks in at just over 37 minutes. This particular track features Thom Yorke dancing/moving awkwardly/spasming/insert-what-you-think-is-appropriate. It's nothing overt, a really ordinary beat in the background, such that you won't think much of it. However, Thom's almost permanent falsetto brings a sort of emotive counterbalance to the normalcy of the backing rhythm. Don't expect something massive that would blow you away when listening to this track, more a gentle prod in between ebbs and flows, against your conscious. The first listen is good, but give it a few more listens, it'll warrant infinite repeats.

Peter Bjorn and John - Second Chance
Really fetching track from the guys most famous for their iconic tune Young Folks. Some elements of pop catchy-ness as well as rock riffs abound, it seems right up their alley. And as many have said, the cowbell is a neat touch.

Jamie Woon - Lady Luck
Dedicated an entire post on him a while back, and he's just released a single of his debut album which drops in April. Lady Luck is a downright wicked tune - slick and sensual. Echo-ed and on a loop as the words 'lady luck' rolls of his tongue, the bass beats intertwined with his extremely soulful voice, this is one tune that will make people go all over each other on the dancefloor. I expect some remixes to roll in soon. Pity he didn't win BBC's Sound of 2011 poll. Check out his Al Fresco version here. It's basically him and his vocals while he's on a sampan in a swamp in Cambodia. Exquisite.

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