Monday, September 28, 2009

caught in a motion that i don't wanna stop

The Whitest Boy Alive - Burning
Electronic band TWBA's vocalist (and guitarist) Erlend Øye is also a member of Kings of Convenience. The other members are bassist Marcin Öz, Sebastian Maschat on drums, and Daniel Nentwig playing the Rhodes piano and Crumar. The Rhodes piano is an electromechanical musical instrument, a famous electric piano whilst the Crumar is a synthesiser.

Silversun Pickups - The Royal We
how many times do you wanna die/how many ways do you wanna die

ok honestly, i only intend to die once (or not die if it's possible). death is a very terrifying thing, and i've been caught off guard several times, suddenly thinking of what death could be like and how it could occur. and anyhow, if i die, i'd like to die in my sleep. thanks much.

Miike Snow - Black & Blue
I think Miike Snow's self-titled album is just pure gold. I can't believe I missed out on this totally slow-groove song which is making me go ape. Plus, there's a totally wicked official video (I think). a very old man with pretty old school music instruments and stuff, with his weird contraptions playing them. Seems to me he's all trapped up in his house (of his own volition), and all of a sudden he decides to make it out that door. And as he does so, he hugs a stunned teen, walks down the street, tosses his seemingly permanently on headphones and then sheds his bathrobe(?). All while Miike Snow are in the car watching him.

I won't waste your time with my revelation/Hello my friend, I see you're back again/Hello mystery, don't bother to explain

I can easily count 20 odd remixes of this album, probably with more to come. Hell, this is some gold everyone should be dancing to and listening to. Ok, hold on while I leave Black & Blue on repeat.

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