Friday, December 10, 2010

i promise it's easy you'll fade to black

Simian Mobile Disco - Aspic
From their latest drop "Delicacies", as the name implies, all their song titles are of food. But in this case, the songs take the name of an exotic, and often bizarre, delicacy from around the world. So what's Aspic? It is a savoury jelly made from meat stock and sometimes supplemented with gelatin to ensure that it sets. Don't know what the hell that is, but I'm having mixed feelings about it.

The same can't be said for this uber dancey number. The heavy beat comes right through, thick and fast, doowop-y and slick. Crank up the bass and let it rip for this one is one to be savoured.

Simian Mobile Disco - Sweetbread
Initially, I was like, what!? The video was not anything like what the titled might have suggested. And so, Wiki to the rescue. Sweetbreads or ris are culinary names for the thymus (throat, gullet, or neck sweetbread) or the pancreas (heart, stomach, or belly sweetbread) especially of the calf and lamb. Now I get it.

But seriously, I was laughing at the utter inanity of the video. It served practically no purpose unless you're a meat/butcher voyeur of some sort. And the man didn't even look like a proper butcher (where's the gloves!!!), save for his huge tummy. Anyway, the song's good stuff, sounds loungey yet sombre, yet with very heavy techno influences. And I'm pretty sure that whenever I listen to this song in the future, I shall be marred by this video.

Blackbird Blackbird - Pure
Right off the bat, the moment the twinkly sounds sprinkled itself all over my room, I knew I would love this song. It feels like what goes on in your brain when you have an epiphany - the sudden whirl of realisation. Or maybe, it's what it sounds like in space if sound can be heard in space. A cosmic revelation eh? Check out the entire Summer Heart LP here. It's absolutely wonderful.

Blackbird Blackbird - Fade To White (feat. Emily Reo) (mp3)
Another awesome track. Download provided by Blackbird Blackbird on his bandcamp. I'm such a major sucker for chillwave/dreampop/psychedelic/hypnagogic/whatever you call it.

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