Tuesday, March 2, 2010

high heel boots just for kicks

Kidstreet - Song
I love it when I watch some video and there's some awesome song backing the video. Kidstreet was a Canadian kids game game show that aired from 1989 to 1992, and yes, this trio hails from Ontario, Canada. I never expected Canada cos electronic music seems to be the mainstay of the swedes, norwegians, brits, americans even. The song is so hyper and ecstatic. it's like rushing around hurriedly on tip-toe, It's almost like a ballet dancer going around on pointe hurriedly. Yet at times, it's almost unelegant, like a big burly man rushing around on tip toe with urgency. Brilliant composition.

Kidstreet - Penny Candy
If a machine gun could sing, that's how it'd go. The blinking lights at the start was so hypnotic and trance-like. Sick beats going on there.

Fear of Tigers - The Adventures Of Pippi Longstrump (mp3)
Get the entire album "Cossus Snufsigalonica" here from their myspaceblog. Rehosted individual song. This is a veritable smorgasbord of electronic sounds and samples and looping and what not. Totally catchy and with that operatic "ehhh" and "oohhhhh", this fine track definitely shows what Fear of Tigers is capable of and epitomises "Cossus Snufsigalonica" best. Will get on with an album review sometime soon.

Holiday for Strings - Two Of You (mp3)
Pony dropped an email with the promo album, and I must say I'm quite enamoured with their brand of experimental electronic infused with touches of kraut, retro etc. Take Two Of You for instance, there's the 70s disco feel to the vocals, and notable driving beat. Wait for the album review of "Favourite Flavor" too. All coming to you at allthesesounds soon.

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