Sunday, March 14, 2010

we discovered one another stumbling through the summer

Came back from Au Revoir Simone's performance. A singularly fantastic and awesome set. The moment the stunning trio walked in, they were greeted with wild cheers which they seemed a little taken aback by. Seeing them for the first time, beautiful with girly innocence, they dazzled us with deft hands at the keyboards complemented by dulcet voices which if anymore alluring, they would have become Peter Pipettes. Dishing out melancholic lyrics starkly contrasted with uplifting synths that seem to be led by it's nose by their nimble fingers on instruments of choice - keyboards, they were in perfect control of the night.

No time was wasted as they walked on stage, immediately starting with Another Likely Story followed by perennial favourite Sad Song (or at least mine). At various points throughout the 1 hour performance, ARS interacted with the crowd quite a fair bit. Annie mentioned that her mom would be pretty happy for her to be playing here in Singapore. She was also griping about the expensive baggage costs which prevented them from bringing at least 5 casios here, and they had to settle for 1 which had to be shared amongst them, to much laughter. It was quite a funny sight, seeing them transfer it around. Oh and boy would I be glad to trade my dslr for her keyboard as she replied that she didn't mind trading her keyboard for one of the cameras in response to Erika's quip that she sees many cameras around (and then breaking off into a wide smile which was quite a common sight just now). Laughs abound as they talked to us, and pretty much not expecting such a lovely reception. They charmed the socks off us in the crowd, who were left shouting encore as they left the stage, coming back to perform Through The Backyards Of Our Neighbours before leaving the stage for good. Their keyboards seemingly brought to life on stage, sounding much more dynamic and driven compared to studio tracks, and in fact there was one song, can't remember which, where Erika actually played the guitar!

While they played mostly stuff from "Still Night, Still Light" and of course I loved it, it would have been a nice touch to have songs from "The Bird of Music", like The Lucky One, Dark Halls and Don't See The Sorrow. I was mesmerised by their deft hands and affecting voices, awash with joy at being able to see them perform live. Throw in a pinch of wistfulness, generous helpings of warm and delicate melodies on electronic paraphernalia, and everything dovetailed wonderfully into a delectable delight. They say too many cooks spoil the broth, but clearly three is just the right number, even more so if they're named Annie, Erika and Heather. This winsome and graceful trio contributed to an indelible memory of a performance that I'll certainly recall fondly.

Here's the setlist for their performance at 7.30pm. There was another one at 10pm I think, not sure if they played the same songs.

Another Likely Story
Sad Song
All or Nothing
Anywhere You Looked
The Last One
Take Me As I Am
Trace A Line
Only You Can Make Me Happy
Knight of Wands
Tell Me
Encore: Through The Backyards Of Our Neighbours

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