Saturday, April 2, 2011

you look like you've been for breakfast at the heartbreak hotel

Photo from s909109.

Alex Turner - Piledriver Waltz
Part of a 6 track EP entitled "Submarine", which was done for a movie of the same name. A really gorgeous song with a curious title. An earnest, tender and heartfelt serenade, it's a completely pared down acoustic number compared to the rahrah of Arctic Monkeys. Very genteel and affecting, the wispy feel of nostalgia definitely makes its mark on the song. It's really hard to believe it's Alex Turner, but damn right it is.

Cults - You Know What I Mean
Sigh, what a beautiful piece. Whatever cut the song is set to is very apt, B&W love. Mixing wistful and intimate vocals with the larger than life chorus. Alas, sweet things last only this long.

James Blake - Limit To Your Love
I was wondering why it sounded so damn familiar, took me a while to recall that it was a track from Feist's "The Reminder". Both versions are fantastic; while Blake's version is pensive and brooding, Feist's original seems more personal and of course her vocals bring life to the song. But anyway, I love the soulful ponderous instrumentation, and of course, that deep pounding piano.

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