Sunday, April 10, 2011

Interview: Two Door Cinema Club

Their promo guy replied long ago actually, but it got lost in the multiple threads of email with him. Oops, anyway here's an interview with Irish indie bangers, Two Door Cinema Club. Quite restrained in their answers, but maybe it's because I asked lousy questions. Oh well, I learn. So here goes.

You guys met at university but subsequently dropped out to work on your music. Any regrets?

We never made it that far with education. We met at high school and then didn't go to university. It would be nice to have a degree in something but I don't think we would have been able to do both and I think we made the right choice.

Ok, this was kinda stupid. I misinterpreted them giving up their places for university as dropping out while they were in university. What a stupid waste of a question.

What other pursuits do you guys have outside of music?

We love watching movies and tv shows. Follow a bit of football. Recently we have started to get involved with a local charity which is exciting.

You guys are signed to Kitsune and they're well known for identifying bands. What's it like being signed to them and why did they sign you? Any pressure being under their umbrella, to produce good music for instance?

We have never felt pressured being with them. It is great to have been picked up by such an exciting new label who have been keeping up to date with new music and releasing singles of anyone they think is good. To have been signed for albums I guess means they really liked us.

Tourist History has been very well received by the blogosphere for it's insanely catchy lyrics and hooks which delight listeners. Any particular influences and what was it like getting the whole album together?

Nothing in particular. We all listen to lots of different stuff to each other. We all have an appreciation for melody though and love a good hook.

You're performing at Laneway but you've missed Singapore. You have many fans over here in Singapore, many lamenting the fact that you guys did not make this stopover. Have you heard of Singapore and any chance you'll be performing here?

I know. It is very hard to play everywhere. There are so many places still left for us to go. We may gave some exciting news coming soon for Singapore! They are on our mind....

Well, clearly we were since they're coming down on 11 August so get psyched up for it in the meantime!

Your 5 best albums of 2010?
Les Savy Fav - Root For Ruin
Broken Social Scene - Forgiveness Rock Record.
Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Mew - No More Stories...
The National - High Violet

I thought "No More Stories" was released in 2009. No biggie though. Good stuff though, the list.


Anonymous said...


allthesesounds said...

hope you didn't mean incredibly stupid waste of a question. haha