Monday, June 8, 2009

Hellogoodbye - Here (In Your Arms)
their music videos are uber random, and it's such a blast watching it. plus the song sounds kooky and lovey at the same time. one, two, three... awwwwww.

Asobi Seksu - Layers
lead vocals and keyboard provided by yuki chikudate(above) and james hanna who does the guitar and vocals. very interesting synths and layering here. this song has a very surreal effect and is done with much elan. pretty new band, and one to look out for.

The Whitest Boy Alive - Keep a Secret


rachel* said...

mygosh that mv is really quite random! i think hellogoodbye's abit too kinky haha

all these sounds said...

haha, oh hi rachel. i never thought anybody would actually post comments. LOL! yeah, they're like really really random. x100